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Off The Beaten Path: Great Advice For Authentic Travel

Off The Beaten Path: Great Advice For Authentic Travel

Traveling doesn’t always have to mean a long journey across the globe. Many pleasurable places to visit are practically in your back yard or just a day’s drive away. This article can help you to plan trips that are both fun and affordable. Traveling is about meeting new people and wherever you go, there are always new faces.

Keep important things in your carry on bag. You definitely do not want to lose your passport, prescribed medications or any other necessities you can’t afford to travel without. Make sure you put these things aside, either on your person or safely inside a bag that you can bring aboard the plane with you.

When traveling, never take an item from someone to transport it for them. No matter their situation or how nice they may seem, this is almost always a trap to convince an unwary tourist to transport drugs or other contraband into secure areas. Even “gifts” can fall into this category.

When planning to fly for a trip, don’t forget any frequent flier miles you might have racked up. It does you no good to hang onto those once you’ve already gone on your big vacation. Even if you don’t have enough miles to cover the whole trip, many airlines will allow you to discount your rate using your miles.

If you enjoy alcohol, there’s no better way when traveling, to get to know a new city than with a pub crawl. Visiting multiple establishments in the same night, will give an interesting cross-section of the city that you wouldn’t gain any other way. Plus, you’ll make some new friends.

If you travel a great deal for work, the constant change of venue and planes can be exhausting. Make it a bit easier on yourself by always requesting the same seat when you book a flight (“9A, please, or right over the wing.”) Actually, over the wing is a good spot because the plane tends to be most solidly anchored and less susceptible to vibration. That way, you will feel as though you’re sitting in “your” seat on the same plane back and forth, and you’ll also be accustomed to working in that particular position (window at your left, etc.)

To decide if you should buy travel insurance, you need to look at how much the trip is going to cost. At some date in the future, many reservations can’t be canceled without some financial penalty. Looking to see how much is already at risk if you have to cancel is a great way to get an idea of what you might be willing to spend to insure a trip.

When you’re taking a trip that requires a passport or any type of paperwork for that matter, make sure that you have a second copy available. Go to your local photocopy shop and make a copy of all of your documents. This is a great way to stay safe, even if you lose your original documents or if they are stolen.

Try using a racing belt to thwart pickpockets. Getting robbed can ruin your entire vacation. To lessen the chances of this happening, consider investing in the storage belts racers use to store their keys, money, and such. This will keep your valuables close to your body where they are less likely to be stolen.

As noted in the beginning of the article, travel doesn’t have to mean a long, extended tour of the continents. It can simply mean a day trip to a different town or a camping trip up in the mountains. This article can help you prepare for your trip, no matter how big or small.

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