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Five Travel Trends During the Pandemic

Five Travel Trends During the Pandemic

The Indonesian COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a change in the vacation habits of both local and international tourists. For example, tourism trends previously focused on each destination have become a trend to spend more time at lodging.

The new trend formed during the pandemic is an idea for tourists to stay on vacation differently than usual. Here’s a full explanation of the five recent travel trends.

How Are Tourists Vacationing During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many new regulations were implemented, such as large-scale social restrictions and health protocols in public places closing access to and from entering and leaving Indonesia.

State revenues in the tourism sector were negatively impacted due to the drastically reduced number of tourists, especially from abroad. For tourists, the opportunity to vacation is still there, it’s just that the trend has changed to the following:

1. Staycation

During the pandemic, many people opt for a staycation, taking short trips to explore the local area and spending more time in hotels. Staycation is a holiday trend that actually makes lodging as a tourist destination.

So, visitors tend to stay at the inn, take advantage of the available facilities and explore the lodging. This new experience was in great demand by many people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Virtual Tourism

People who need entertainment amid the COVID-19 pandemic prefer to do virtual tourism. Thanks to the sophistication of today’s technology, virtual tourism is possible. With virtual tours, everyone can visit various tourist destinations worldwide through their smartphone or PC. As long as the internet connection is stable, virtual walks will be smooth. One of the virtual tours made by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

3. Road Trip

Don’t imagine taking long journeys from city to city. Road trips during the pandemic are enough to walk around the area near where you live to unwind. People use private vehicles to reduce the transmission of the virus. An alternative to this road trip is generally only visiting tourist destinations inside the city. Health protocols must be adequately maintained during the journey.

4. Wellness Trip

Furthermore, the tourism trend formed amid the COVID-19 Indonesia pandemic was wellness trips. The trend of wellness trips is an activity that aims to maintain health and improve body fitness.

Local tourists who undergo wellness trips carry out activities such as cycling, meditation, hiking, leisurely walks, running around, and visit body care and beauty centers. These activities are also completed with culinary hunting and taking pictures.

5. Back to Nature

The boredom of being at home during COVID-19 has encouraged people to choose to refresh their minds in natural tourist destinations. Going back to nature has become a trend in great demand because it makes the body and minds more relaxed.

Open nature attractions such as hills, beaches, city parks, pine forests and waterfalls also provide positive energy. Besides being good for health, the tourism sectors can continue developing.

Change does not always have a negative impact. The proof is that new tourism trends that change people’s vacation habits have succeeded in keeping the tourism industry afloat during the pandemic. Have you tried any or all of them?

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